Bangladesh Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Bangladesh is 162,650,853, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 162,650,853
Population growth rate 0.98%
Birth rate 18.80 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 70.36 years
Men life expectancy 68.48 years
Women life expectancy 72.31 years
Age structure
0-14 years 27.29%
15-64 years 66.30%
65 years and above 6.42%
Median age 24.70 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.95
Population density 1,129.54 residents per km²
Urbanization 24.20%
approx. 95% Bengal, 1% Bihari, numerous minorities
Muslims 83%, Hindus 16%, others 1% (1998)
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.614
HDI ranking 135th out of 194

People in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated areas on earth. 98 out of 100 residents are Bengali. These descend from the Indo-Aryan peoples who immigrated to the Indian continent many thousands of years ago. A large number of children were born in Bangladesh over a long period, but the birth rate has now declined. Nevertheless, Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated area states in the world (there are some city-states that are even more densely populated).

More people live in the fertile floodplain of the rivers than in the very dry areas of the northwest. Most of the Bengali live in the capital Dhaka. The population is growing and is already over 21 million. Overall, an above-average number of people live in the cities of Bangladesh. However, half of the city’s residents live in one of the country’s poor areas. In addition to Dhaka, other important cities in Bangladesh are the port city of Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Ranpur. Cox’s Bazar is a popular tourist town and is located in the southeast of the country.

Languages in Bangladesh

Most of the Bengali – the residents of Bangladesh – speak their mother tongue, which is Bengali or Bangla. By the way, this language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​around the world. In Bangladesh, 98 out of 100 people speak this language. Bangla also has its own script which is related to Hindi and Sanskrit.

The educated Bengali speak English and in the big cities of the country the people partly understand English as well, because English is the language of the administration. In the countryside, however, English language skills are declining. If you want to get through here you have to speak Bangla or somehow communicate with your hands and feet.

Religions in Bangladesh

The predominant religion in Bangladesh is Islam. 90 out of 100 people are committed to it. Nine out of 100 are Hindus and only one in 100 are Buddhist. Christians and followers of other minor religions also live in Bangladesh. The constitution names Islam as the state religion, but guarantees other religions freedom of belief. Before the split from Pakistan there were many more Hindus living in Bangladesh. This changed over the course of history.

Bangladesh Overview

Bangladesh, situated in South Asia, is famous for its lush green landscapes, vibrant culture, and resilience in the face of natural disasters. The country is renowned for the world’s largest river delta, the Sundarbans, home to the majestic Bengal tiger and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Dhaka, the capital city, is a bustling metropolis known for its rickshaw-filled streets, vibrant markets, and historic landmarks like the Lalbagh Fort. Bangladesh’s rich cultural heritage, expressed through its music, dance, and literature, reflects the blend of indigenous traditions with influences from Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic civilizations.

  • Capital City: Dhaka
  • Population: Approximately 168 million
  • Area: 147,570 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
  • Currency: Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)
  • Language: Bengali (Bangla)
  • ISO Country Codes: BD, BGD

Bordering Countries of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small nation located in South Asia, sharing borders with India to the west, north and east, as well as Myanmar to the southeast. Bangladesh has a total land border of 4,246 km (2,631 mi).

India is the largest country that borders Bangladesh. It shares a long border of 2,979 km (1,850 mi) along its western and northern sides. Bangladesh also has a short border of 193 km (120 mi) with India along its eastern side. India is an important partner for Bangladesh in trade and commerce.

Myanmar borders Bangladesh along its southeastern side with a total length of 271 km (168 mi). This border was established after British rule in 1947 when East Bengal was separated from West Bengal. The two countries have had good relations since then and have worked together on various development projects such as infrastructure improvement and poverty alleviation programs.

The Bay of Bengal lies to the south of Bangladesh and forms part of its maritime boundary with India and Myanmar. The bay covers an area of around 2 million square kilometers (772 thousand square miles) and is home to numerous species of marine life, many of which are commercially important to both countries.

The Brahmaputra River also forms part of the international boundary between Bangladesh and India in the north-east corner of the country. The river originates in Tibet before flowing through India into Bangladesh where it joins up with the Ganges River at Dhaka before emptying into the Bay Of Bengal near Chittagong port city.

The Meghna River is another major river that flows through both countries before emptying into the Bay Of Bengal near Chittagong port city as well. This river originates from Tripura state in northeast India before flowing through Assam state into southern Bangladesh where it joins up with other rivers such as Padma or Jamuna Rivers before reaching its final destination at Chittagong port city in Bangladesh.

Finally, there are several small islands located off the coastlines of both countries including Saint Martin’s Island off the coastlines of Cox’s Bazar district in southern Bangladesh; Cheduba Island off Rakhine State in western Myanmar; Little Andaman Island off Andaman & Nicobar Islands in eastern Indian Ocean; North Sentinel Island off Nicobar Islands; Great Coco Islands off Tamil Nadu state in southern India; Havelock Islands off Andaman & Nicobar Islands; etc.. All these islands provide additional protection for both countries against potential naval threats from their neighboring nations or pirates who may be operating out at sea beyond their territorial waters.

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